Mario Kardos, Carp Circle Team Croatia



Mario Kardoš

My name is Mario and my big passion is fishing. I started fishing in my early childhood, with very modest and often improvised equipment. The waters I toured were nearby canals, ponds, streams and backwaters where I mostly caught small fish.

I fell in love with more serious carp fishing when I started angling at Lake Tribalj, 25 years ago. Since then, I have developed a passion for carp fishing by frequent stays on Lake Tribalj.

I had the privilege of being the first fisherman who caught carp over 20kg on that same lake 12 years ago. In the meantime, I was also an ambassador for a fishing company for a few years where I met a lot of good anglers and gained even more fishing experience. For seven years I was on the board of directors of the fishing association "Šaran Tribalj". With my colleagues, I founded the carp section and started an internal league that continues to this day. I've managed to visit a lot of waters in Croatia, but I still keep coming back to my Tribalj.

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mario with large carp mario with large carp mario holding huge carp mario hugging carp mario holding carp mario holding carp mario stroking carp mario holding carp mario holding carp